The Flannotator allows annotation of gene expresssion at all stages of development and tissue types (including sub cellular location) using standard Drosophila anatomy ontology.
All methods of input use a controlled vocabulary to ensure data integrity.
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The web-based input and retrieval system allows multiple groups to work in collaboration and share images and annotation easily, whilst still protecting the original data.


Simple queries
A new way of doing simple queries is now available. Just choose a tissue type, CV term, subcellular location or descriptor to search for.
Anatomy terms chosen will include those further down the annotation tree.
Results are filtered on your batches completed as usual.

Protein interaction data
We have put the first preliminary protein interaction data onto Flannotator for 29 lines.
In view of this and as a preparation for the last phase of the project including publication, it would be a good idea for all annotators to proof-read their entries to weed out any typos or other gremlins they don't want the whole world to see!

NOT expression annotation
Version 2.1 of the Flannotator has been released! The main addition to this is the ability to explicitly say where things are definitely NOT expressed. Just add a NOT branch to your annotations by clicking on the 'n' option by the cv term on your annotation tree, or by 'Add NOT' at the experiment root for anatomy terms.

We have now reached over 10,000 pieces of annotation!

6000 bits of annotation!
We now have over 6000 annotations (6366 to be exact!) and over 5500 images currently in the database, so a big thank you to all our very productive annotators.